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Deadlines & Schedule

ENTRY DEADLINE for the submissions are as follows:

Early bird: Till 30th April 2019

Regular: 1st May - 31st July 2019

Late Deadline: 1st August - 31st December 2019

Notification of selections will be announced on the official website/social media platforms as per schedule (tentative date - 31st March 2020 for the 5th BITFF).


Festival Event Date: May 2020 (tentatively)


There may be multiple intermediate festival events or tours for which the selections will be done from the submitted works. We may declare the result of shortlisted films/scripts/videos on a quarterly or six-monthly basis depending on our tours. For example, one selection list may be announced in March for our April tour and another in July for our August tour.

The festival committee reserves the right to change the dates, accept or refuse any submission without assigning any reason whatsoever.

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